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Wednesday, March 25, 2015


First, I'd like to thank all of you who have been following the blog. Due to a family situation that began in January, I couldn't keep up with the blog and had to set it aside. Things have changed dramatically at our house and in our family, and I'm madly trying to get back into the swing of life in general.

That said, the first 5 people to answer the question correctly will receive a Tangled Hearts tangling book.

Now. . .drum roll please! Here's a hint and the question:

They aren't crayons, but come in a variety of colors. They can be used with water for painting or without. What are they?

Put your answer in the comments section, you must have a Google account, and I'm looking for a simple but specific answer. Good luck and let the fun begin.

Every week for the next 5 weeks, there will be a quiz and prizes. So stay tuned!

                            Have a great week.              Jeanne

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Word of the Month

The other day, I browsed through a few books and drew some art inspiration from the images. An idea popped into my head, the idea being to have a word per month for this entire year, to tangle it and then have you tangle and post one as well to my Facebook page.

The word for this month is "INSPIRE"

Here is my tangle for you, which you can print out and my tangled word is below.
You can find me, Jeanne Paglio,
on Facebook to post it! This is going to be fun!!

Here's mine . .

Inspiration for art work comes from a variety of places and people. Art is an outlet for that inspiration and I'd enjoy seeing yours. As artisans, we continually seek inspiration to create wonderful art work that hopefully goes on to inspire others or simply to make them happy and smile when they see it. These days, our lives tend to be filled with negativity from the media, from unhappy circumstances, and from those around us who get joy from seeing others in crisis. It's a sad state of affairs, but I refuse to let that stand in the way of finding positivity in my life by creating art, finding joy in the simplest of things, and hopefully sending out inspiration that will encourage others to do the same.

My challenge to you is to embellish this word and enjoy the opportunity to make art. Remember . . . there is no wrong way to tangle. There are No Mistakes, Only Possibilities.

Bye for now! I look forward to seeing what you have come up with that will Inpsire all of us!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Life is a wild ride!

The holiday season has ended, the freebies from last week's blog have ended, and life is getting back to normal (whatever normal is). There were so many wonderful responses to last weeks blog article, thanks to all who responded, I appreciate that.

The cold weather has set in, it's only supposed to get to 22 degrees here in RI today, BRRRR! I can see that I'll be working in front of the fireplace, rather than here in my office. :) So, what am I working on? The new Zentangle book, of course. I'm also slogging through the final edits for the next book in my Vinnie Esposito mystery series, written under my pen name, J.M. Griffin. The publisher sent me the galleys to read over and make changes, if any, so that's a priority. That said, I do want to put time in on the Zentangle book, becuase it's so relaxing to tangle.

Great News! I received an invitation to speak about, and demonstrate, Zentangle in March at the Lexington, MA Decorative Arts Guild. I'm very thrilled at the prospect and look forward to sharing Zentangle and its benefits with the group. The invitation was a wonderful way to start the year.

The photos of my projects that are also coming up in March on the site are below. If you'd like to check out what Purely Acrylics has to offer for classes that are available throughout the year and if you want to register, here's the link:" target="ejejcsingle">Click here to visit Cindy Harrison.</a>

With so many art magazines falling by the wayside and leaving artists no place to learn from, or be inspired by, artist Cindy Harrison came up with the idea of The artisans teaching are varied and there is sure to be a class that will catch your eye.  So check it out.

Both hearts are included in the class, which is online.
I offered a little bit country and a little bit floral.

What's in store for us next? Staying warm, keeping busy, and SMILING are on my agenda. What's in store for you? Leave a message and let me know.

I'll keep you posted on the Zentangle book and when it will be available. Until then, have a great week!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I've been invited and so are you!!

This has been a week of surprises for me. Some good, and some so, so. But, one of the nicest surprises was to hear from artist Cindy Harrison, who invited me to participate as an instructor on a new website where classes will be offered online by a variety of wonderful teachers.

To say I'm thrilled is an understatement. I look forward to sharing my art work with the many members and participants on the site. Please take a minute to check out the offers that will begin in February 2015. The link is at the end of this message.

It's been a busy and often stressful year, but all is finally going smoothly (dare I say that with confidence?). My daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a year ago November. Our world was rocked from top to bottom, we quaked with fear and angst over what would happen to her. I'm glad to say that with all the prayers from everyone, everywhere, and the wonderful team of oncologists she has at Rhode Island Hospital, that Kristina's cancer is under control, inactive, and we are all doing well. A positive attitude goes a long way when this type of situation arises. The doctors hadn't expected her to survive a year, but she has done so and at the moment Kristina's outlook is excellent.

That said, I have begun to paint, create, and write once again. My novel publisher and her staff were so wonderfully supportive and still are, that I managed to get the newest book in the Vinnie Esposito series finished and off to them for edits and whatnot. The book is scheduled for the the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015. We are all excited.
An article I had done for The Decorative Painter Magazine was published and I must say, the time it took me to get this project done gave me a break from the stress in my life during that time. Again, the DP editor was marvelous and understanding when I needed a bit more time. It's not easy to ask for more time since anyone who sticks a cog in the wheel usually creates a domino effect that puts everyone in a spot. So my heartfelt thanks went out the that team, for sure.
Two Zentangle books also got to the publishing point and were released in the fall. I managed to stay busy enough to keep my mind from worrying over Kristina's health issues and I'm very thankful for that respite.

This season brings with it many memories of holidays past, fun with family, sadness for those no longer with us, but we can all embrace life, look forward, and pray for the best. That positivity is one of the reasons I was so happy to be included in Cindy Harrison's new venture. Take a peak, see who you'll take a class from, and don't forget to sign up!



A Zentangle workbook geared to all!

Page Foundry:
In paper at Create space:

               Fall for All is a funfilled workbook and color book combined with places to create tangles or embellish those line drawings already provided. The paper version will be available in fall 2015.
Only available in eBook form now at:

Saturday, October 11, 2014

New England Traditions Convention Trade Show & Other Stuff

The day was sunny, breezy, and marvelous in Marlborough. MA. Three friends and I arrived at the New England Traditions artist trade show in great spirits and filled with the need to shop 'til we dropped. (and we did!!) There were so many marvelous projects to choose from, surfaces to buy, and brushed to have, it had a dizzying effect on everyone there. Eyes glazed over, wish lists were produced, and best of all, we got to chat with old friends and new.

First stop was Lynne Andrews gorgeous booth! There was loads of heartwarming artwork, that gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling just looking at it. Lynne told me she's preparing to reopen her studio for classes in the not too far future, too.She'll also be teaching at the Little Rhody Rembrandts Chapter in 2015.

Anne Hunter and I had the opportunity to catch up in between her constant flow of customers. Anne's work is terrific and so colorful, too. She'll be teaching at the Little Rhody Rembrandt's Chapter next year, and the members are excited to have her with us. Anne has a wonderful studio located in Marlborough.

Maureen and Bob Van Herpe presented their new line of lazer cut surfaces and picture frames. Gorgeous pieces, I wanted them all! Had a chance for a quick hello before the were bombarded with buyers. 

The J.B. Woods booth was mobbed! Yikes! So much to choose from, so little time to browse through every single piece. And... the prices were amazing, Mama Mia!!!! Was great to see Mary and Joe! Wonderful people!

Then there were the brush booths! Had an exciting (and difficult) time choosing what brushes to buy. Of course, I wanted every brush in every size, but, really.... I do have enough! I bought a couple sets of angles and called it quits. :)

We didn't have a chance to speak with Chris Haughey, her booth was swamped with buyers and her cash register was buzzing right along. I had wanted to congratulate her on the ezine she just came out with. If you haven't taken a lookie see yet, here's the link: It's a winner, I just downloaded my free copy!

All in all, the day was spent with friends, lots of good laughs and a fun time. I came home with bags and bags of merchandise!

On to other stuff....
Art magazines for decorative painters and crafters are endangered, it's sad, really. Paintworks just closed last month and what a surprise that was! Linda Heller did a splendid job of choosing the projects and there was always something new and different offered in every issue. So, imagine my surprise when artists didn't take the news sitting down, but instead, they rolled up their sleeves and got busy. As I said above, Chris Haughey's Pixelated Palette ezine is out and just wonderful, but today I received an email concerning another ezine for painters that will debut in November of this year. It's called Paintingezine and you can find it at  Both of these ezine subscriptions are very affordable.

Many of the artists in these ezines are familiar to us all, with some new to the business, but all of them are truly talented and are willing to embrace online publishing. The magazines are available for viewing online, for printing out in pdf form (the entire issue or just an article that grabs your interest) and are in full color. There are also sites to take online classes, so don't fret, there's still full video projects for a reasonable sum that are available to you.

As I come across more sites, I'll be sure to post them here and on Facebook and would be happy if you'd do the same.  
Bye for now!  Jeanne

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Importance of Workspace

"There's got to be a place where I can work alone!" I've heard this from artist and author friends so many times that I've lost count. But... It's true! Whether you're a knitter, crafter, painter, writer, or simply a creative person with more ideas than space to work and store your supplies, you need a space to work in. A space you can call your own. Not the kitchen table, or the living room sofa, or a corner of the den, but a place to go that's all yours, with a door or curtain that you can draw and hang a sign saying  "WORKING! DO NOT DISTURB" and mean it.
As my children moved out on their own, I changed their rooms into work spaces. At the time, we lived in a small home that was filled by the four of us and left little space for my creative efforts. Yes, I did use the kitchen table, yes I stored my supplies in a box under the bed, and no, I didn't have a precious studio. It was a nightmare, for certain! My son, the elder of the two children, was the first to find his wings and fly off to independence. His room immediately became my studio. It wasn't a large room, but it gave me a private place to work, one where I could close myself away and hunker down to create my masterpieces.
Later on, we moved into a larger home and with no children living with us, I had the extra space to myself and opened a studio where I taught classes. Those lovely shelves were filled to the brim with art supplies, paper, surfaces and the like. I was in my glory. As time went on and we moved into another home, there was a one room guest house in the back yard that I turned into a studio. My students came with me to keep painting, playing and having fun in classes. As time went on and interest in decorative painting lessons declined, the cost of keeping the studio open became prohibitive. After all, income must be enough to cover costs, right?
Still, I wanted my own space to work after I closed the guest house up and discontinued studio classes, so I moved into a small room in the main house. It took some time for me to figure out how to fit all that stuff from a 500 ft. square building into a 110 square foot den. I had shelves, book cases, cabinets, and a 6' table to accommodate. Yikes! I finally got things under control, and found that the space I have may be smaller, but cozier. The one issue I have is the coziness keeps me from being a slob, a messy slob. If my space starts to become smaller because I have too much clutter hemming me in, I realize I have to clean the area. Aargh!
My point being, a place of your own is as important as having a bathroom. Literally. While you need that place, you also need a place to create, because creating is an essential part of who you are and what makes you tick.

On that note, I'd like to share a few Zentangle pages from my latest book, Zentangle By the Sea and also the cover of my new upcoming book Heart Strings, an interactive Zentangle and coloring book.
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

For the Fun of it All

After cleaning under the studio counter, I came across this marvelous surface that a friend had gotten from Wood Items and More, a craft shop in the nearby town of Greenville, RI. The surface was given to me to see what I would come up with. Not one to back down from a challenge, I considered the piece, tucked it away and now I'm facing the possibilities of painting and tangling a design on it.

Has that ever happened to you? Have you tucked a surface away and then forgotten you had it? What was your reaction to finding the piece? Surprise? Pleasure at having found it again? Did you get busy with a project design? Did a design come to mind immediately?

As with so many artisans, I tend to buy more blank surfaces than I might ever use. They get packed, or stacked, and then when I'm desperate to paint on something other than a canvas or on watercolor paper, I start searching to find what I've stashed away. Let's face it, most crafters/artisans have a stash. Huge or small, it's part of our being, a need we have to keep owning wondrous supplies, no matter what they are. The same applies to the media we work with, whether it be pen & ink, paint, charcoal, gouache, etc.

This particular piece is destined for daisies, sunflowers, or just tangled leaves. I haven't quite decided yet. What do you think would be the perfect design? Leave a comment and let me know. Thanks.

I'll be back next week with a picture of what has become of this interesting surface.