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Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Zentangle Proposal

In August, a friend of mine mentioned a wellness committee at the college where she works and how Zentangle would benefit the students. She talked of the pressure students have from instructors, college life and class work as overwheleming, never mind the adjustment of living away from home and the freedom that comes with it.

I gave the idea some thought, sat down at the computer and wrote my proposal to the wellness department. I rewrote it about 5 times before I was happy with the look of it and hoped I had covered all my bases. After adding a few tangled tiles of my own work, I sent the packet off to the college.

I heard nothing, forgot about it, and went on with life....until last Thursday. I got a phone call asking me to participate in the RISD Wellness Fair which takes place tonight. I caught my breath, gave a resounding "thank you, of course I'd love to be part of the fair" and then listened to the woman say the committee would like to have me on campus for a regular monthly class so the students can relax and have fun with their art rather than having to produce, produce, produce.
In the next breath, I was told the counseling services department of the college was considering having me come in once or twice a month for the students they help. What could be better? I don't know at the moment. Both are paying gigs, both are tangling, and on the Rhode Island School of Design campus (which is so cool).
So consider this...get in touch with a college near you and ask about their wellness/counseling services for students. Talk to a person in the Residents Life department of the school and see where it takes you. Make sure you outline the benefits for the students. This is what the services people look for. It can't hurt to ask and by stepping out of our comfort zone, we can fly.

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